It All Began With...
A mother and daughter on a naively optimistic mission to save the world through healthy delicious food.

Meet the Dynamic Duo
Soupergirl is Sara Polon, a former stand-up comedian turned soup-maker/CEO. Her mom, Marilyn Polon, is Soupermom (aka the Chief Anxiety Officer) - a home-taught master in the kitchen. This...was not in the plan. But here we are, so let's dive in.
The Soupergirl Story

1977: Soupergirl is born. Soupermom is not prepared for the amount of anxiety that will ensue.
2002: Soupergirl moves to NYC to pursue her dream of stand-up comedy. Soupermom wonders why this is a good use of her college degree.

2008: Soupergirl starts learning about our corrupted food system and decides the best way to make an impact is to start a soup company. Soupermom points out that her daughter is mediocre at best in the kitchen and decides she needs to step in.
2008-2009: Soupergirl rents kitchen space at a local restaurant. The kitchen lacks air conditioning and heat which meant the duo schvitzed a lot in the summer and wore seven layers in the winter.

2011: The duo opens their first soup shop in Takoma, DC and quickly realize they know nothing about retail. Oy.
2012: Souper Chef Gonzalo joins the team, helping to greatly expand Soupergirl through retail sales and an ever-growing menu.

2015: Soupergirl walks into Whole Foods Georgetown carrying a bag of soup and asks to speak to the buyer. The regional chef asks her who the heck she is as he makes all the soup for the entire region. This was very awkward.
2016: Turns out the regional chef was incredibly supportive. Thank goodness! Soupergirl starts selling at dozens of Washington Metropolitan area Whole Foods and other natural retailers.

2016: Soupergirl enters Costco. There is not enough room on this website to describe that process. But it was a serious game changer. Holy moly.
2018: The duo land on Shark Tank and get yelled at but have a lovely time nonetheless. Soupermom decides it is her mission in life to yell back at Mr. Wonderful.
2019: Soupergirl starts shipping soup nationwide. They learn that this is very difficult.

2020: There is a pandemic. Remember?? But Soupergirl did jump into action, doing a lot for the community, the team, the first responders, and our customers. Please check out our Values page to learn a bit more about the never-ending 2020!
2022: Soupergirl launches their new website, and is available in Costco, Whole Foods, Kroger, the Fresh Market, Fresh Direct… the list keeps growing. They continue to work every day to pursue the values upon which they founded this company.
2023: Team Soupergirl moves into a larger production facility in Lanham, MD to accommodate all the growth! Soupergirl herself now has an office, as opposed to sitting on a cooler all day. It is strange.

2024: The new visual identity launches. Soupergirl grows up again, launching new items, into new stores, all with a new look, feel, and even deeper commitment to the values upon which the company was founded. What comes next? Whatever happens, it will include Just. Good. Soup.